




Build input file cannot be found for mergeable library
I have a demo app to explain how mergeable libraries work and I am stuck when archiving. I have: Project Demo App Target Framework A Framework B External Framework Project C (sub-project to Project Demo) Framework C I have all three frameworks in the demo project's dependencies, linking and embedding. Implicitly find dependencies is OFF (because that is how the actual app I will be applying this to is built) I can build to sim/device for Debug and for Release. It all works. I can find my embedded resources. I have checked the binaries with otool -l and I can see where frameworks are loaded in Debug but not in Release. Yay! But when I Archive the app, I get an error only for my External framework (not in the same project as the app) that it cannot find the file ExternalC.framework/ExternalC, even though if I copy the path, the file exists. Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/MYUSER/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MergeableLibrariesDemo-afgemdngqmoznfhczuxrqzkeulhb/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/MergableLibraries/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/ExternalC.framework/ExternalC'. Did you forget to declare this file as an output of a script phase or custom build rule which produces it? (in target 'MergeableLibrariesDemo' from project Here are the linker commands for the three frameworks: -Xlinker -merge_library -Xlinker /Users/MYUSER/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MergeableLibrariesDemo-afgemdngqmoznfhczuxrqzkeulhb/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/MergableLibraries/BuildProductsPath/Release-iphoneos/ExternalC.framework/ExternalC -Xlinker -merge_framework -Xlinker SameProjectA -Xlinker -merge_framework -Xlinker SameProjectB Oh ExternalC.framework is an alias to the framework in the Uninstalled Products path This is only an issue if ExternalC has this set: //:configuration = Debug MERGEABLE_LIBRARY = YES //:configuration = Release MERGEABLE_LIBRARY = YES //:completeSettings = some MERGEABLE_LIBRARY Any clues as to what I might have misconfigured? Steve
Jan ’24