Hi. Is there a more convenient workaround, or something that can perhaps be done when calling objc_getClass to avoid this crash, or am I doomed to have to annotate every aspect of the class until iOS 15 goes out of style?
The text version of the crash report should be attached. There are two relevant snippets of code for this crash to happen:
@available(iOS 16.0, *)
final class ScanViewModel {
var scanTextType: DataScannerViewController.TextContentType?
@Published var recognizedItems: [RecognizedItem] = []
In this block, we use the @available annotation to try and stop things that don't exist in iOS 15 from being accessed. Later, in instrumentation:
unsigned int classNameCount = 0;
const char **classNames = objc_copyClassNamesForImage(mainImageName, &classNameCount);
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < classNameCount; i++) {
Class cls = objc_getClass(classNames[i]);
NRMA__processClass(cls, results, parents);
This crashes on the call to objc_getClass() when passed the class which has the @available annotation.
What I am asking is if there is a workaround for this bug in iOS 15 (this doesn't happen on iOS 16 and above)? Thank you.