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When running unit tests for a second+ time, we often run into:"Failed to create temporary staging dir in <PATH_TO_SIMULATOR>/data/Library/Caches/"If we delete derived data, it always works the first run, but then fails on subsequent runs.Something in Xcode is deleting the directory it needs. Has anyone else seen this and found a solution?
by stevebay.
Last updated
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Feedback: FB7675243 Hi! We have had an issue since Xcode 11.3 with automatic signing when building to a device. I have detailed the issue in the above feedback, but I would love some help in resolving this issue. TLDR: When building to device, engineers receive a "communications" error or a "forbidden for security purposes" error. We have a very old app prefix id and the message seems to indicate that this might be part of the problem. I can have an engineer try to build to "generic device" with Xcode 11.2 and the code signing will pass, and then they can resume with Xcode 11.5, but this is not a long-term solution. Thanks for any help! Steve
by stevebay.
Last updated
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3 Replies
Here is some sample code that behaves differently under iOS 12 and earlier vs 13.1/13.2b. Previously, we would get "EUR100.00" but now we get "EUR 100.00" where the space is a non-breaking space.Why was this changed? How can we get consistent behavior from NumberFormatter? let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter() let currencyID = "EUR" let locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US") numberFormatter.formatterBehavior = .behavior10_4 numberFormatter.generatesDecimalNumbers = true numberFormatter.minimumFractionDigits = 2 numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2 numberFormatter.currencyCode = currencyID numberFormatter.locale = locale numberFormatter.numberStyle = .currency let symbol = "EUR" numberFormatter.currencySymbol = symbol numberFormatter.internationalCurrencySymbol = symbol let number = NSDecimalNumber(integerLiteral: 100) let result = numberFormatter.string(from: number) print("\(String(describing: result))")
by stevebay.
Last updated