




Is it possible to animate a path similar to how StrokeEnd works in SpriteKit ?
I've been googling this for a while now and trying out various things from StackOverflow etc. I want to draw paths, then animate a line that 'grows' over that path. I'm coming to the conclusion it is NOT possible to animate a shape or bezierpath in an SKScene. Using the CABasicAnimation stuff would work, but I can't figure out how to add layers or views... Using SKActions isn't really what I want to do... i can only scale etc. Not really grow as i need.It feels like there is a massive gap in what SpriteKit can do here. Has anyone found this? Anyone found a way around it ? I'm really stuck here.. The whole concept of my game idea relys on this feature and I can't figure out a way to even start !!! 😟appreciate any ideas or pointers. thanks
Jan ’17