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I belive that this is a bug.Using the aforementioned sample app, place a breakpoint in the method playerItemDidReachEnd: in AVPlayerDemoPlaybackViewController.Play a local video as intendedNote that at the end of playback the breakpoint is hit 👍Reproducing the issue:Substitute line 101 in AVPlayerDemoPlaybackViewController with mURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""]; which is an Apple provided test stream.Allow the test stream to play to the endNote that at the end of playback, the breakpoint is NOT hit 👎I believe that there is an issue with AVPlayerItem not correctly firing AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification when a HLS based asset reaches the end of playback. At least that is the conculsion I came to based on the research I did today.
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4 Replies
I am seeing the same behavior, for what its worth it seems like AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification does fire correctly with the following sample app from Apple: will have to comment out the lines: check( dispatch_get_current_queue() == assetQueue ); )I have not yet narrowed down why it works in the demo app and not my app.