I am having a hard time making Full Keyboard Access work properly in a ScrollView using just a simple sample app with the following view:
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
Button("Button 1", action: {})
Button("Button 2", action: {})
I have a device running on 14.5 with Full Keyboard Access and a connected physical keyboard. When I launch the app, the buttons are not navigable at all. However when I option+tab between an another app that has an active focused element and back again, then the buttons become focusable some of the times. Could this be a bug in the framework, a coding error or a user error?
I am having trouble getting the Full Keyboard Access to focus items in the navigation bar.
Here is the sample code I'm using. When enabling Full Keyboard Access with an external keyboard, Button 1 and Button 2 is navigable, but Button 3 is not.
NavigationView {
List {
Button("Button 1", action: {})
Button("Button 2", action: {})
.navigationBarItems(trailing: Button("Button 3", action: {}))
How do I make the navigation bar item visible to Full Keyboard Access? VoiceOver seems to find the element just fine. I was under the impression that this kind of functionality should come out of the box, but I suppose I am missing something.