Hi! After upgrading to Xcode 16.1 my watchOS app is getting below error using a DatePicker configured with: displayedComponents: .hourAndMinute. I cannot find a solution for this error/warning. It only appears when im using : .hourAndMinute or : .hourAndMinuteandSeconds, but not .date. Note! My code is unchanged only change I Xcode upgrade. Any suggestions?
ForEach<Array, Array, _ConditionalContent<_ConditionalContent<_ConditionalContent<_ConditionalContent<YearPicker, MonthPicker>, _ConditionalContent<DayPicker, ComponentPicker>>, _ConditionalContent<_ConditionalContent<ComponentPicker, ComponentPicker>, _ConditionalContent<AMPMPicker, ModifiedContent<Text, _PaddingLayout>>>>, EmptyView>>: the ID [":"] occurs multiple times within the collection, this will give undefined results!
import SwiftUI
import WidgetKit
struct TimeEditView: View {
let title: String
@Binding var storedValue: String
var body: some View {
Form {
selection: Binding<Date>(
get: { Date.from(storedValue) ?? Date() },
set: { newDate in
storedValue = newDate.toString()
displayedComponents: .hourAndMinute
.onChange(of: storedValue) {
print("Morning Start changed!")
Im trying to get rid of the third separator used to show seconds in in view while using displayedComponents: .hourAndMinute for WatchOS.
As shown in the picture, the first Datepicker shows a second ":" separator for seconds even though its configured to only show hour and minutes. The second Datepicker is configured to show hourMinuteAndSecond which makes sense that the second ":" is rendered.
What can I do to get rid of the seconds separator when the Datepicker is configured for .hourAndMinute only?
The locale is Swedish and 24hr clock.
Best Regards