




Test if UI elements on the Storyboard are localized
Hello!I want my UI Test method to test if the UI element on the Main.storyboard is localized. But the NSLocalizedString does not seem to read localized strings from the storyboard...I have a UIViewController on the Main.storyboard. The View Controller has a few UI elements. I have localized the Main.storyboard itself and the localization strings are inside of Main.strings file. When the storyboard is localized its localization Strings have the following format:/* Class = "UITextField"; placeholder = "Password"; ObjectID = "CAR-iQ-ZyB"; */ "CAR-iQ-ZyB.placeholder" = "Password";I wonder how to read localized Strings from this file(Main.strings) in my UI Test method?To read localized strings from a Localizable.strings file I usually use the following:let localizedStringValue = NSLocalizedString(<key here>, bundle: <bundle here>, comment: "")But this does not work with the localized storyboard strings file(Main.strings).How to read the localized Main storyboard strings in code?Thank you very much!
Apr ’20
Performance test passes with result 36400% worse?
Hello!I get a performance test passing with a result 36400% worse . I wonder how is it possible? I am no longer sure I understand how to read the performance result properly.I have run a performance test and have set a baseline.To see this performance test failing, I have manually edited the baseline value, saved and ran the test again. The displayed result is Result 36400% worse but the test is still passing ...My understanding was that if the test result is worse, then the test should fail. No?I have a screenshot of the performance result that says "Result: 36400% worse (+246%)" but I do not see how I can attach it here... Why does the performance test pass when the Result is worse?
Apr ’20