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Had to downgrade to 15.2 by downloading it from here: So unbelievably sick and tired and these constant storyboard issues with every new release. Developer experience is becoming unbearable
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Any update on this? I'm using AVPlayerViewController and if i set avplayerController.player?.allowsExternalPlayback = false When I airplay I see track, album title, artist name and artwork. If I don't set that, I only see track title. I need to keep that setting enabled, but I need the experience of it disabled
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Managed to find the bundle identifier needed This is not a complete solution that handles all paths through the modal. Just a sample to get through the flow when you have previously signed in. Just leaving this here to show how to wrap something like this up in a function sleep(4) let testApp = XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: "") let continueButton = testApp.buttons["Continue"] if continueButton.exists { continueButton.tap() } let shareEmailOption = testApp.tables.staticTexts["Share My Email"] if shareEmailOption.exists { shareEmailOption.tap() } let continueWithPassword = testApp.buttons["Continue with Password"] if continueWithPassword.exists { continueWithPassword.tap() } testApp.secureTextFields["Password"].tap() // Type your password testApp.buttons["Sign In"].tap() // Wait for something to show up in your app to denote success / failure let app = XCUIApplication() ....... How I found this bundle identifier for anyone having similar issues: running xcrun simctl list devices --json in terminal lists all simulators. Find the UDID of the one you are using then either: run xcrun simctl listapps <UDID> or go to ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/<UDID>/data/Containers/Data and do a search for ""
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Finally found a workaround to this. While the error inside Xcode is incredibly cryptic, I noticed an error (more like a warning though) in my CI logs while looking at another issue. Inside the CI logs I found can't open *** as a "Swift Package Folder" because it is already open as a "Folder" Inside my SPM I have 3 .js files. To organise it better I put them in a sub folder, and added that folder as a resource inside the Package.swift. There are multiple reports of cocoapods facing the same error message due to some new change/requirement to have resource folders signed. Couldn't figure out how to sign the folder in SPM, so I took a chance and removed the .js files from the subfolder, and list each one of the directly as resources in the package.swift and it solved this issue Xcode 14 is SSSSSSOOOOOOO buggy!
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It seems that if I set "player.allowsExternalPlayback = false" the nowPlayingInfo is correctly passed to the tv, but then the player looses the airplay button, forcing me to use the notification centre option. This seems like a bug
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Apple replied to a feedback assistant bug. Its possible to clear the cache by right clicking on "Recently Used" (on the left hand side of the above picture, under the popup), and select "Clear Recently used". After that it correctly picks the package URL supplied
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11 Replies
Same issue here in Xcode 13.3.1. Anyone found a way to disable it yet? For me its coming from a dependency of a dependency of a dependency. I've tried reaching out to see can they be updated but some haven't been touched in ~3 years. I won't hold my breath that it will get done. Also opened a bug for Xcode with the feedback assistant. Anyone who hasn't done so, please do it to make sure it gets looked at
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18 Replies
Swift Sodium is affected by this too: . Simply including it in your project makes it impossible to archive. There was a workaround in someone else's fork, but it seems like this is now being affected by the same issue when using Xcode 12.5.1. This is a huge critical show stopper for us. Really need Apple to push this one along