I Found out some situation will be crash in iOS 18.
When u want to get cell or header(footer) by calling dequeueCell or dequeueSupplementaryView. And which isn't in collectionView dataSource function like, 'cellForRow' or viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind, It will be crash!!!
So, if u have a function call getFootView() like below:
func getFootView(indexPath: IndexPath) -> RangePriceFootView? {
return collectionView.dequeueReusableSupplementaryView(ofKind: UICollectionView.elementKindSectionFooter, withReuseIdentifier: "FOOTER", for: indexPath)
Call this function at viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind, it is legal.
func collectionView(
_ collectionView: UICollectionView,
viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind kind: String,
at indexPath: IndexPath
) -> UICollectionReusableView {
let footer = getFootView(indexPath: indexPath)
// footer do something
return footer
but if u call this from other place than viewForSupplementaryElementOfKind, it will be crash
func updateUI() {
let footer = getFootView(indexPath: indexPath)
// do something
This warning below tell us, call use -[UlCollectionView cellFortemAtindexPath:] or -[UlCollectionView supplementaryViewForElementKind:atIndexPath:] when u are not in config function.
Thread 1: "Expected dequeued view to be returned to the collection view in preparation for display. When the collection view's data source is asked to provide a view for a given index path, ensure that a single view is dequeued and returned to the collection view. Avoid dequeuing views without a request from the collection view. For retrieving an existing view in the collection view, use -[UlCollectionView cellForltemAtindexPath:] or -[UlCollectionView supplementaryViewForElementKind:atindexPath:].