
Post not yet marked as solved
5 Replies
I have the same problem on a 2017 27" iMac and a 2015 MacBook Pro. With the System Preferences App I get the message "No available updates found. Please try again later." I got a similar message from the command line, "No updates are available." I'm still doing some testing, but what seemed to work on the MBP is removing the Beta profile, and installing the Beta profile for 10.16 beta 2.
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13 Replies
What worked for me was setting cloudKitContainerOptions = nil before calling container.loadPersistentStores lazy var persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = { . . . if !UserDefaultsManager.shared.syncWithCloudKit { container.persistentStoreDescriptions.forEach { $0.cloudKitContainerOptions = nil } } container.loadPersistentStores( completionHandler: { (_, error) in ... } )This is a hack since this works only when persistentContainer is first initialized.Trying to do this after persistentContainer is initialized would require that I safely teardown and reinitialize the CoreDataStack. Reinitializing CoreDataStack creates a new managedObjectContext which then must be passed down the view hierarchy and to any services or managers that cache the managedObjectContext.There are many reasons to want to toggle or pause syncing with CloudKit, and since NSPersistentCloudKitContainer is privy to all the inner workings of syncing with CloudKit, NSPersistentCloudKitContainer should be the one to handle this. Some methods I could find useful would be: enum SyncMode { case disabled case paused // Paus temporarily, useful for batch processing case enabled } persistentContainer.setSyncMode( _ mode: SyncMode ) persistentContainer.syncAfter( someFutureTime ) // Sync after some time in the future.Steve
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31 Replies
Good information, I'm bookmarking this topic. My short list of problems, as of beta 5:Can't disable animation for when the contents of a List changes.Can't change the List seperatorsThere is no callback or property binding for performing a task after an animation completes.Can't set the keyboard type for TextFieldsI haven't looked in depth, but I haven't found a way of adding an InputView to a TextFieldTextField( self.placeholder, text: self.field ) .inputView() { HStack { Spacer() Button( action: {...} { Text( "Prev" ) } Button( action: {...} { Text( "Next" ) } } }
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2 Replies
Yes, I'm seeing the same behavior. Segment labels are misaligned (upper left in my case). It appears to rectify itself once a segment changes states.I'm filing a bug report.