Same here! Unbelievable with RC version.
Ok, I've figured out what the problem is.
I've passed all the calculations back to the viewmodel, including the max, min and average. The value has been recalculated.
The problem is in the scale of the Y axis, and it keeps happening (if I remove it the problem disappears).
Everything works the first time, if I change the value from fahrenheit to celsius the error reappears (all the fields are recalculated perfectly), however, if I run the application again the information works correctly.
The bad thing is that Charts does not calculate automatically and with these values the scales look very bad.
** I changed everything from AppStorage to UserDefaults **
Chart {
if statsByUser.takens > 1 {
RuleMark(y: .value("AVG", statsByUser.avg))
.lineStyle(StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 2, lineCap: .round, lineJoin: .round, dash: [4, 6]))
ForEach(0..<temperatureByUserId.count, id:\.self) { item in
LineMark(x: .value("Date", item + 1),
y: .value("Temperature", temperatureByUserId[item].convertedDegrees))
.lineStyle(.init(lineWidth: 2, lineCap: .round, lineJoin: .round))
.foregroundStyle(.white) // [.pink, .purple, .mint]
// X-Axis
.chartXScale(domain: 1 ... statsByUser.takens)
// Y-Axis
.chartYScale(domain: statsByUser.min ... statsByUser.max)
.chartYAxis {
AxisMarks{ _ in
AxisValueLabel(centered: true).foregroundStyle(.white)
func getMax(user: Int64) -> Double {
let tempsUser: [Double] = self.tempeartures.filter{ $0.user == user }.map{ $0.degress }
if tempsUser.isEmpty { return 0.0 }
let maxValue = getViewDegrees(tempsUser.max() ?? 0, loadUnitDefault())
return maxValue
func getMin(user: Int64) -> Double {
let tempsUser: [Double] = self.tempeartures.filter{ $0.user == user }.map{ $0.degress }
if tempsUser.isEmpty { return 0.0 }
let minValue = getViewDegrees(tempsUser.min() ?? 0, loadUnitDefault())
return minValue
Without Scale Y Axis shows:
instead this:
I don't understand this Apple strategy of leaving us halfway, letting at least XCode 14.x work with Intel.
Not all of us can invest for now in an M1/M2, but with our efforts we will reach it. I feel extorted, and I didn't want to change the course of development language but unfortunately there is family involved.
I'm sorry for you too.