
Post not yet marked as solved
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I want to build that gets notified (even when in the background) when it gets in range of any iBeacon with a given UUID.I know I could monitor an individual region for each of my beacons, but if I understand correctly, on iOS, I am limited to 20 monitored regions.So the other alternative is to monitor a region based solely on its UUID, but then when do I get enter/exit notifications for that region? Whenever I get in range or out of range of any beacon with the same UUID, or only when I get in range of the first one and out of range of the last one?
by sarbogast.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
1 Replies
I’m desperately trying to add a vertically-aligned button with image on top of the title as the titleView of a navigation bar. I would like the size of the image in the button to be fixed and the image to be scaled to fill it. Basically, I’m trying to reproduce what you have in Tinder’s conversation navigation bar. Unfortunately, as soon as I add an image to my button, it seems to remove the title, and the image takes the whole available width of the navigation bar. Has anybody here done something like that before?
by sarbogast.
Last updated