
Post marked as solved
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I started seeing this error as well ever since updating to iOS 15 beta 4 and Xcode 13 beta 4. It appears to me that CKErrorAccountTemporarilyUnavailable is new in iOS 15 and macOS 12. According to the available online documentation: You receive this error when the user’s iCloud account is available, but isn’t ready to support CloudKit operations. Don’t delete any cached data and don’t enqueue any additional CloudKit operations.  Checking the account status after the operation fails, assuming there are no other changes to the account’s status, returns CKAccountStatusTemporarilyUnavailable. Use the CKAccountChangedNotification notification to listen for future account status changes, and retry the operation after the status becomes CKAccountStatusAvailable. On the other hand, the comment next to this error code in CKError.h (header file) reads: The current account is in a state that may need user intervention to recover from. The user should be directed to check the Settings app. Listen for CKAccountChangedNotifications to know when to re-check account status and retry.  I wonder if there is something we might be missing here? What exactly is the user supposed to do in the Settings app?
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7 Replies
This issue appears to have been addressed in beta 4. So, thanks again!
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Thanks for acknowledging this. I have opened Feedback Assistant ticket FB8202376.
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Here created a quick &amp; dirty sample project: The project contains a custom Intent to configure a WidgetKit Widget. The code used to provide options in the intent handler is :- NSMutableArray *sections = [NSMutableArray new]; for (NSUInteger i=0; i<10; i++) {        NSString *uuidString = [NSUUID UUID].UUIDString;        [sections addObject:[[INObjectSection alloc] initWithTitle:uuidString items:@[[[Sample alloc] initWithIdentifier:uuidString displayString:uuidString]]]]; } completion([[INObjectCollection alloc] initWithSections:sections], nil); Yet, when you try to configure the accompanying widget, the options appear in single/unified un-sectioned list. They only appear in sections when searching/filtering.
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I'm doing this exactly as done in the Soup Chef sample code project, yet my sections only appear when searching/filtering, not dynamic options when unfiltered. Is this intended behavior?