
Post marked as solved
5 Replies
I’m seeing the same thing. I read someplace that series 3 was supported. I see it in the Watch app on my phone under notifications but no place else.
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
Finally got it installed after deleting and restarting. Let it sit ad tried again. Still have about 60gb of free space.
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3 Replies
Thanks. I'll take a look. Essentially it would be a partial screen shot, because it is the contents of a second view in the main screen. Either that or convert those contents into an image that could be saved- if that makes sense.
Post not yet marked as solved
6 Replies
Found the solution here: the steps by depoo.
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6 Replies
Has anyone figured this out? I'm having the same issue and I am on a Mac. I just emailed support for help.