




iOS 13: Searchbar crashing when cancel is hit repeatedly.
I'm getting a crash when users click the cancel button repeatedly:*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Nested internal _UISearchBar transitions not yet supported. This is an internal UIKit bug.'Steps:- Launch a window with the search bar showing.- Make the search bar text field the first responder. I have the cancel button enabled, so it shows up.- Tap on the location of the cancel button a few times.- Watch the app crash.I've instrumented the delegate, and it looks something like this:kb: should begin editing kb: will show kb: did begin editing kb: should end editing motion: true kb: should end editing motion: true kb: should end editing motion: true kb: did show kb: canceled in motion: false kb: should end editing motion: false kb: will hide kb: Did End Editing kb: should begin editing kb: did hide kb: will show kb: did begin editing kb: should end editing motion: true kb: should end editing motion: true kb: should end editing motion: truewhere motion indicates that we received either the keyboard will show or keyboard will hide notification without a did show or did hide response.Any ideas for a workaround?
Aug ’19