




Using VoiceOver's accessibilityCustomActions and supporting Voice Control for the group subviews
Hi, My app supports VoiceOver and VoiceControl, and I find it hard or perhaps even impossible to support both when it comes to grouping accessibility elements. I have an element containing multiple subviews, and I want to define it as a group of accessibility custom actions to enhance VoiceOver navigation. (So that the user can focus on the entire element, and just swipe up or down if they want to activate one of its subviews as a custom action). To do that, I'm setting isAccessibilityElement to YES and I'm using accessibilityCustomActions where I create a custom action for each of this element's subviews. This works fine and presents the accessibility custom actions as expected. The struggle comes when I try to combine it with Voice Control. Since the element contains multiple subviews, I want each of these subviews to be accessible when using Voice Control with item numbers, for example. Instead, Voice Control is setting a number only on the entire element, ignoring its subviews. This is not functional because each of these subviews performs a different action when activating it. I found that VoiceControl is only numbering subviews when the parent's isAccessibilityElement is set to NO. And indeed, when changing to NO, the subviews are getting numbered, but the custom actions group break, and VoiceOver treats each element as a separate accessibility element. So I can't use accessibilityCustomActions AND supporting VoiceControl. Is this an intended behavior defined by Apple? Or, is there anyway I can support them both?
Oct ’23