
Post marked as solved
8 Replies
It's a two step process. Load the package locally, then add the framework manually. Adding a remote package does both steps at once. Adding a local package does not.
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8 Replies
What you did is correct. I'm talking about a different place to enter the framework. In Project->General->Target you'll see a list. Identity.. Deployment Info... Frameworks and Libraries.. In here hit the +. Your local library should appear as an option and click it. I tried to insert a photo of what I'm talking about. Couldn't do it. Sorry
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8 Replies
In the "General" section of the Project setup, did you add "TestPackage" as a Framework? I had to do this for my local packages
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4 Replies
I got no errors with Version 13.0 beta 5 (13A5212g)
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2 Replies
I think I have it worked out. Instance the Custom Entity, load the model as a child of the Custom entity.
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2 Replies
That did it. It makes sense that it needs to be held. Thanks!