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Update: If the colorspace supports wideGamut, then I set the colorspace in the CAMetalLayer to extendedSRGB, instead of the tagged colorspace: if let taggedColorSpace = image.colorSpace, let metalLayer = self.layer as? CAMetalLayer { metalLayer.colorspace = isWideGamutRGB ? CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.extendedSRGB) : taggedColorSpace }
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I think I solved it. I set the colorspace on the underlying CAMetalLayer of the MTKView (iOS/Catalyst does not let you set this directly on MTKView): Add the following code at the end of the init method in MTKImageView.swift: if let taggedColorSpace = image.colorSpace, let metalLayer = self.layer as? CAMetalLayer { metalLayer.colorspace = taggedColorSpace } All three images now properly display for me:
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How can we tell if an image is a ProRaw file vs. a regular Raw file? Is there a way to interrogate an image file's meta data using Apple API? Obviously this can't be done solely based on a file's UTI extension.
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I am experiencing the same issue today. In addition, if I check the box to send symbol data so that I may receive crash reports, Xcode crashes immediately without any errors. Lastly, my app has a Quick Look plugin and the Organizer seems to not see it 90% of the time today and throws an error when I attempt to upload my app.