




iOS 13.1 - Problem URL Bar
I’m having an issue that is showing the URL Bar with the "Done" button in a case that shoudn't (Webapp created with Safari), it is happening only in iOS 13.1 (in the 13.0 it was ok). I have a Webapp, with manifest and apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag working fine, but the problem seem to happen when the app "navegates" to another page.I was able to reproduce this behavior with the Starbucks Webapp too, in this case the initial domain of the app is “" and when you click in the option “STORIES” in the top menu of the page, the URL changes to “" and shows the Safari URL Bar! Note that it changes only the sub-domain, the domain remains, and yet the top panel appears.It seems that Safari "detect" it is going to another page and show the URL with the "Done" button do go back to the initial page. In my case, it is happening because my Web App has a initial page with “data:text/html;base64,”, that I need to redirect to my system address (IP address for example), using “window.location = …”. And when I do that, the URL bar appears. I already try many combinations with manifest and apple-mobile-web-app-capable, still got the same problem. I also tried to use an iframe inside my initial page (and not change the top URL), the page loads ok without the bar, but it does not execute any javascript inside the iframe.I need this initial page to be a base 64 because I need to check the access in a local IP device or redirect to an external IP (and this procces need to work even without internet). I tried to use some cache manifet to create an offline page, but it didn't reproduce the desired effect, and even if the first access worked ok, if the system detects it need to change the access to a local or external IP, it changes the domain URL and the Address Bar shows up again.Could you please point me to a solution for this case?Thanks in advance.Rodrigo
Sep ’19