Bumping this up - I'm trying to figure out the same thing. Do we have to go back to updating sets of individual UIViews or NSViews outside of the SwiftUI View hierarchy to do this in a performant way?
Thank you for this answer! It seems that after creating that AUParameter, the only way getParameter is called in the DSPKernel is after setParameter is called on the AUParameter (UI side). So I have to first do a setParameter (with an arbitrary value since its not being sent to the read only value on the DSP side) and then immediately after retrieve the value with your Step 5 example.
Bumping again. Anyone have any ideas on this?
Anybody? 😂
Would love to get some thoughts on this post! What's the best way to do frequent updates like this? Do we have to fallback to UIKit/AppKit to get acceptable performance?
Thank you for the reply eskimo (Quinn)!
It seems like the App Store URL field is required and even with the Apple ID filled in, the form won't let me send without the App Store URL.