




Comment on Slider .rotationEffect broken in MacOS 14.5
For other developers having this problem, since I'm just trying to draw a vertical scroll bar, I'm able to work around this by incorporating the SwiftUIIntrospect library -- I added the following to my Sliders when I want to render them vertically (it sets the isVertical flag on the underlying NSSlider instance): .introspect(.slider, on: .macOS(.v13, .v14, .v15)) { slider in slider.isVertical = true }
Jul ’24
Comment on Slider .rotationEffect broken in MacOS 14.5
Yes, I am seeing the growing thumb button as well, at degree values which are not 0, 180, 90, or 270. The slider is rendered correctly at rotations of 0 and 180, disappears with the "CGAffineTransformInvert: singular matrix" message, and is rendered with an increasingly large thumb button with values between the even multiples of 90.
Jul ’24