
Post not yet marked as solved
6 Replies
Mine has started working again ..
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Apparently this is not affecting everyone, even in the US, have other team members able to install from TestFlight.
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4 Replies
I am on public iOS 15.0 and having the same problem.
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8 Replies
To clarify, you say "This means that sharing an app clip URL through the Mail app doesn't work" -- I am guessing that the app clip URL will not load an app clip, but instead open in Safari, correct?
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It seems clear now that the answer is “no” with the only exception being via a Safari View controller accessing a site with a Smart App Banner.
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If the full app is installed, App Clip will never be downloaded / launched. So no.
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3 Replies
Ah, good point, I was hearing the question as “can I use a payment processor other than Apple Pay” and thinking of a solution like the Stripe API that lives inside the App Clip. I think you’re right that something that works like PayPal would have problems.
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16 Replies
I may have missed it, but I can't find where to edit a question I posted? I used this a lot in the old forums, fixing typos, adding info, etc. EDIT: Hahaha ... I *was* able to edit my response, big blue edit button. But apparently not a question I posted such as
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We need an "I have this question too" button in forums ...
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1 Replies
The App Clip URL is shared in Messages app. iOS 14 handles invoking the App Clip. The URL is passed to the App Clip. So if you had a URL like the App Clip has access to the URL segments /location10/table50 ... I'm not sure if query parameters get passed along or not. Lots of info in the docs
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App Clip URLs will open the app rather than the app clip if the app is installed. It is, however, easy to share features between app clip and app, they are all part of the same project.