Hi all!
I have an extension that injects an HTML in a page and listens to messages comming from the background script.
When I listen to messages in the injected iframe's javascript (using browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener) comming from the background page (using browser.tabs.sendMessage) the listener is never triggered.
I have a minimal example in: github.com/raphaelfaria/safari-extension-bug-reporting - https://github.com/raphaelfaria/safari-extension-bug-reporting
To reproduce it go to e.g. example.com.
It'll inject the iframe and add one listener in the content script and one in the iframe. On the bg script there is a global function triggerMsg that should be called.
Both listeners should be called but only the CS one is.
Hi, I've been trying out with the new Web Extensions but I've bumped into a problem while trying to create a port between the content script and the background script (with runtime.connect).
For some reason the listener in the onConnect event is never called.
As they're both marked as supported on MDN I imagine this is a bug. Is anyone aware of any problem in this? (BTW, runtime.sendMessage and onMessage work)