




XCode 14.3.1 Hangs (Not responding) after Installing XCode 15 beta 8 & iOS 17 Simulator
My XCode install has become unusable after installing (and removing) XCode 15 Beta 8 & iOS 17 Simulator. I have uninstalled all instances of XCode and and reinstall just the production XCode (14.3.1) thru the App Store. I have also rebooted my Macbook pro as well and nothing seems to let XCode open. It is always in Hang state with with XCode showing Not Responding in Activity Monitor. Here is the crash report: OS Version: macOS 13.5.2 (Build 22G91) Architecture: x86_64h 2FAF-354E-A4B5-61E0396C1B9B slid base address 0x7ff82a130000, slide 0x2a130000 (DriverKit) Command: Xcode Path: /Applications/ Identifier: Version: 14.3.1 (21815) Build Version: 2 Product Build Version: 14E300c Architecture: x86_64 Parent: launchd [1] PID: 9493 Time Since Fork: 219s Event: hang Duration: 217.82s Duration Sampled: 1.10s (process was unresponsive for 217 seconds before sampling) Steps: 11 (100ms sampling interval) Hardware model: MacBookPro15,1 Active cpus: 16 HW page size: 4096 VM page size: 4096 Time Since Boot: 4165s Time Awake Since Boot: 4165s Time Since Wake: n/a (machine hasn't slept) Fan speed: 3669 rpm Total CPU Time: 1.352s (4.4G cycles, 6.2G instructions, 0.70c/i) Advisory levels: Battery -> 3, User -> 2, ThermalPressure -> 0, Combined -> 2 Free disk space: 100.00 GB/465.63 GB, low space threshold 3072 MB Vnodes Available: 74.94% (197216/263168) Preferred User Language: en-US, en Country Code: US Keyboards: U.S., British OS Cryptex File Extents: 1751 Timeline format: stacks are sorted chronologically Use -i and -heavy to re-report with count sorting Heaviest stack for the main thread of the target process: 11 start + 1903 (dyld + 25631) [0x7ff80407441f] 11 ??? (AppKit + 14753) [0x7ff8075099a1] 11 -[DVTApplication run] + 54 (DVTKit + 88664) [0x10357fa58] 11 ??? (AppKit + 194440) [0x7ff807535788] 11 -[DVTApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 354 (DVTKit + 92703) [0x103580a1f] 11 ??? (AppKit + 250118) [0x7ff807543106] 11 ??? (AppKit + 255398) [0x7ff8075445a6] 11 ??? (HIToolbox + 257096) [0x7ff80df38c48] 11 ??? (AE + 32452) [0x7ff80a8f0ec4] 11 ??? (AE + 59551) [0x7ff80a8f789f] 11 ??? (AE + 61491) [0x7ff80a8f8033] 11 ??? (Foundation + 215366) [0x7ff805309946] 11 -[NSAppleEventManager(DVTAssertionOverrides) swizzleDispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] + 19 (IDEKit + 1220046) [0x107c67dce] 11 ??? (Foundation + 215764) [0x7ff805309ad4] 11 ??? (AppKit + 276068) [0x7ff807549664] 11 ??? (AppKit + 3211144) [0x7ff807815f88] 11 ??? (AppKit + 277547) [0x7ff807549c2b] 11 ??? (AppKit + 280093) [0x7ff80754a61d] 11 ??? (AppKit + 13033195) [0x7ff808173eeb] 11 ??? (AppKit + 284230) [0x7ff80754b646] 11 ??? (AppKit + 1513564) [0x7ff80767785c] 11 ??? (AppKit + 13033842) [0x7ff808174172] 11 ??? (AppKit + 1515342) [0x7ff807677f4e] 11 ??? (AppKit + 1675942) [0x7ff80769f2a6] 11 ??? (AppKit + 1676986) [0x7ff80769f6ba] 11 ??? (AppKit + 1677343) [0x7ff80769f81f] 11 ??? (AppKit + 1677763) [0x7ff80769f9c3] 11 ??? (AppKit + 1677940) [0x7ff80769fa74] 11 ??? (AppKit + 3212176) [0x7ff807816390] 11 ??? (AppKit + 4628793) [0x7ff807970139] 11 ??? (AppKit + 4629158) [0x7ff8079702a6] 11 -[IDEDocumentController _openDocumentsWithContentsOfURLs:presentErrors:completionHandler:] + 209 (IDEKit + 4025622) [0x107f14d16] 11 -[IDEApplicationController openURLs:externalParameters:completionBlock:] + 169 (IDEKit + 1069529) [0x107c431d9] 11 +[IDEWelcomeWindowController showFirstLaunchExperienceIfAppropriate] + 281 (IDEKit + 1778471) [0x107cf0327] 11 +[IDEWelcomeWindowController _prepareXcodeForUIWithRegistrationAndSetupOfExtraServices] + 266 (IDEKit + 1779706) [0x107cf07fa] 11 IDESetSafeToLoadDeveloperSystemFrameworks + 206 (IDEFoundation + 1023607) [0x1092d3e77] 11 __IDEInitialize_block_invoke + 46 (IDEFoundation + 1021445) [0x1092d3605] 11 _IDEInitializePlugIns + 1177 (IDEFoundation + 1022943) [0x1092d3bdf] 11 _IDEInitializeOnePlugInAndPrerequisites + 1061 (IDEFoundation + 1025661) [0x1092d467d] 11 +[AssetCatalogKitInitializer ide_initializeWithOptions:error:] + 95 (AssetCatalogKit + 454722) [0x114839042] 11 IBICInstallAllSlottedAssetSetInspectorSuggestionSetProperties + 99 (AssetCatalogKit + 252469) [0x114807a35] 11 IBICAvailableSimDeviceTypeIdentifiers + 46 (AssetCatalogKit + 253368) [0x114807db8] 11 _dispatch_once_callout + 20 (libdispatch.dylib + 16999) [0x7ff80422e267] 11 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 12339) [0x7ff80422d033] 11 __IBICAvailableSimDeviceTypeIdentifiers_block_invoke + 16 (AssetCatalogKit + 262934) [0x11480a316] 11 __IBICAvailableSimDeviceTypeIdentifiers_block_invoke_2 + 260 (AssetCatalogKit + 263223) [0x11480a437] 11 +[SimServiceContext sharedServiceContextForDeveloperDir:error:] + 219 (CoreSimulator + 143921) [0x1132a9231] 11 +[SimServiceContext _withSharedServiceContexts:] + 47 (CoreSimulator + 143141) [0x1132a8f25] 11 __ulock_wait + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 11582) [0x7ff804390d3e] *11 ??? (kernel + 6881088) [0xffffff800096bf40] Process: Xcode [9493] UUID: ABB10C5F-3683-3916-93EF-9FB4DB282691 Path: /Applications/ Identifier: Version: 14.3.1 (21815) Build Version: 2 Product Build Version: 14E300c Project Name: IDEFrameworks Source Version: 21815000000000000 Team ID: 59GAB85EFG App Item ID: 497799835 App External ID: 857328487 Is First Party: Yes Shared Cache: 9E62FF5D-F36E-3C12-9277-95F6A085513E slid base address 0x7ff803fd6000, slide 0x3fd6000 (System Primary) Architecture: x86_64 Parent: launchd [1] UID: 501 Footprint: 84.27 MB Time Since Fork: 219s Num samples: 11 (1-11) CPU Time: <0.001s (275.7K cycles, 116.3K instructions, 2.37c/i) Note: Unresponsive for 217 seconds before sampling Note: 2 idle work queue threads omitted Thread 0x10ac1 DispatchQueue ""(1) 11 samples (1-11) priority 46 (base 46) <thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process unclamped, process received importance donation from WindowServer [170], IO tier 0> 11 start + 1903 (dyld + 25631) [0x7ff80407441f] 1-11 11 ??? (AppKit + 14753) [0x7ff8075099a1] 1-11 11 -[DVTApplication run] + 54 (DVTKit + 88664) [0x10357fa58] 1-11 11 ??? (AppKit + 194440) [0x7ff807535788] 1-11 11 -[DVTApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 354 (DVTKit + 92703) [0x103580a1f] 1-11
Sep ’23