Since same app can be advertised by multiple adnetworks, consider this scenario. Youtube shows Ad, user invokes in-app store sheet and install the app but does not launch it.
User sees Ad for same app in Instagram, invokes in-app store sheet. Since it is installed it will show open. User click on open and it launches the app. Whether Youtube or Google receive postback in this case?
If user taps on Ad, launch in-app store sheet but does not install the app. Later installs from Apple app store, does AdNetwork still get attribution? If yes, how soon user needs to install the App for adnetwork to get postback?
SKAdNetwork postback will send "redownload" value. Is it calculated based per Device or per Apple ID?
"version 2.0" is available for apps built with iOS 14 sdk, what does this mean?
Is it the source app showing ads needs to be built with iOS14 OR advertised app needs to be built with iOS 14 OR both? And are those apps needs to be running on iOS 14 device or they can be running on iOS 13 and below?
OR does this mean source app and/or advertised app running on iOS14 will be able to use "version 2.0" ?
For e.g user installs the app and app calls ‘registerForAttribution’, Ad network will receive postback within 0-24 hrs.
App calls updateConversionValue after 24 hrs, will the ad network receive the postback again for the same campaign number with different conversion value?
0-24 hr timer resets after every ‘updateConversionValue’ call. Is there a limit on how long this can go on or can it be reset indefinitely?
If a user doesn’t launch the app for x amount of time after installing it, what is the max value of x for which Ad Network is guaranteed to receive a postback event.