




Family sharing for a freemium app for using screen time API
Hi Team, We have implemented screen time API in our app and have applied for Family Controls Entitlement. The FC team gave the following response to the request. Thank you for follow up, we just want to clarify that Family Sharing is required for any use of Family Control entitlements, even if there are no in-app purchases. It is part of the AuthorizationCenter process, and more information can be found here and But we have implemented the code as per the above links like below and added family control capabilities Task{ do { try await AuthorizationCenter.shared.requestAuthorization(for: .child) } catch { // Handle the error here. print("Failed to authorize") } } } else { if #available(iOS 15.0, *) { AuthorizationCenter.shared.requestAuthorization { result in switch result { case .success(): print("Sucess...") case .failure(let error): print("Failed... \(error)") } } } Now the problem is our app has implemented the functionality and requesting for authorisation as per the documentation and its working fine on the development phones. Now I am not sure how to enable family sharing for freemium app as our application is not using any subscription. Does it need to be enabled in Xcode or in App Store Connect to allow family sharing.
Feb ’23
Unable to see the child apps in familyActivityPicker
Hi All, I implemented the AuthorizationCenter.shared.requestAuthorization(for: .child) as per the documentation and authorised the child device. On the parent device, the family sharing enabled and child account is under the family group. Now when I run my app on the parent device and call the familyactivitypicker, only the categories are shown and no apps from child device are being populated as per the provided documentation. Do you have any sample code for parental control for IOS 16 that can be looked into as a reference.
Oct ’22