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82 Replies
Xcode 12.2, Big Sur 11.0.1 on M1 Mac Mini connected to iPhone 10X Max with 14.1 and seeing the same problem. Reboot iPhone and Mac doesn't help. Try connecting iPhone using USB-A instead of USB-C doesn't help. Cleaning Build Folder worked for me.
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45 Replies
Chevy Bolt, same problem.
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2 Replies
Yes. Or at least something similar. iPad Pro 12". In my case WiFi stopped working for multiple apps, including YouTube, Safari (multi sites). WiFi on an iPhone XS Max (also running 13.1) worked for both YouTube and Safari. On the iPad, disabling/enabling WiFi in Settings resolved the problem for both YouTube and Safari.
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2 Replies
Hi, The release notes contained a warning, on a red background, that you needed to upgrade the watch before upgrading the phone. From memory, I believe WatchOS beta 2 has this issue with layer iPhone iOS 13 betas. I'm not sure what (if anything) can be done here. If it were me, I'd try to revert the iPhone to iOS 12. But that's just a shot in the dark.
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14 Replies
This! It's beyond me why we must suffer the ghost of Jony Ive and his WhiteWorld at every turn when Dark Mode is enabled. Dark Mode should be dark. The many instances where this is not the case is aggravating to say the least. It's also physically painful for those with light-sensitive eyes. Apple can and should so better.
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2 Replies
Wondering if it happens only with png? Curious what the result would be if these were replaced with equivalent Apple SF Symbols, which should be dark/light mode friendly. I realize this isn't a solution, but might be a good datapoint.
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13 Replies
I never submitted the early notification request for Apple Crad. Not sure what a Crad is. Maybe you mean Card? I did submit a request for Apple Card on day one of the announcement, and am running iOS 13 beta 6, and have not received an invite as yet.
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4 Replies
> 2) BindableObject. Use this when you have data in your model that the view needs to read and write to.Note that BindableObject has been replaced by ObservableObject as of beta 5.
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31 Replies
A few things I've hit (have filed Feedback for issues 2 and 3 below):1. String(format: <format>, myVar)For @Published vars, like myVar above, the following format mechanism doesn't work:Text("\(String(format: "%.03f", model.myVar))")2. Options spread across two Picker() do not update highlighting correctlyPreviously (beta 3), when options were spread across two SegmentedControl() which update the same var in a BindableObject (now ObservableObject) and @EnvironmentObject is used in a View to read/update this var, the hightlight for one SegmentedControl() was updated (de-highlighted) when the other SegmentedControl() was tapped. This is no longer the case.For example, consider SegmentedControlA() has options A,B,C,D and SegmentedControlB() has options E,F,G,H. These options are tied to $model.myVar. SegmentedControlA() option A is currently highlighted. Now the user taps SegmentedControlB() option G. In beta 3, option A was de-highlighted and option G was highlighted.With beta 5, replacing SegmentedControl() with Picker(), we start with PickerA() option A highlighted. The user then taps PickerB() option G. In this case, model.myVar is updated, as expected, but the highlight is not removed from option A.If, however, you either:1) in a TabView() app, switch to a different Tab and then back to the Tab containing the Pickers() option A is now de-highlighted. Or,2) background the app by switching to another app or going to the iDevice home screen and then foreground the appOption A is now de-highlighted.Example: class FooModel: ObservableObject { @Published var foo:Double = 1.0 } struct Foo : View { var body: some View { VStack { ChooseFooLo() ChooseFooHi() } } } struct ChooseFooLo : View { @EnvironmentObject var model: FooModel var body: some View { Picker(selection: $, label: Text("")) { Text("A").tag(1.0) Text("B").tag(10.0) Text("C").tag(100.0) Text("D").tag(1000.0) }.pickerStyle(SegmentedPickerStyle()) } } struct ChooseFooHi : View { @EnvironmentObject var model: FooModel var body: some View {<br> Picker(selection: $, label: Text("")) { Text("E").tag(10000.0) Text("F").tag(20000.0) Text("G").tag(30000.0) Text("H").tag(40000.0) }.pickerStyle(SegmentedPickerStyle()) } } As an aside, I wonder why Picker() requires label: ... I've tried setting label: .nil and that doesn't work. Sigh.3. Stepper() with Slider() and .cornerRadius.If a Stepper() and Slider() each control the same var and they are both included in a VStack, and .cornerRadius() is applied to the VStack, the Stepper() no longer works when tapped. Remove .cornerRadius() and everything works as expected. Below is an example. Remove .cornerRadius() and Stepper() works. Add it, and Stepper() no longer works (the example below removes .font() and .background(), since these are not required to reproduce. I've tried various things like changing the size of .cornerRadius(), adding a (e.g.) smaller .cornerRadius() to the Stepper() directly, etc. struct ChooseFooSize : View { @EnvironmentObject var model: FooModel var body: some View { VStack { Stepper(value: $model.foo_size, in: 64...9216) { Text("Foo size: \(Int(self.model.foo_size))") } Slider(value: $model.foo_size, in: 64...9216, step: 1) }.cornerRadius(10) } }