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That's a great point of view @PBK; Also it opens up a few possibilities, very happy to have opened this thread."what fraction of the total charge is assignable to the creation (no IAP) and what fraction is assignable to the app-based distribution (IAP)"Would be great to open up the option to charge the user a bit to help pay the servers, as the usage is completely free.I did not know the payment can be distributed, that's a concept that exists in Stripe although.A small charge even with the 30% for Apple would be a great help! Server side costs are high.What I'll do is to update this post in a few months upon app review and leave a written testimony, as this might be usefulfor other users.
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The CTA means call to action, and it's demonstrated in the GIF animation, which is easier to see.Line 15:NestedView(title: $0.title())The source code is available in the initial post and the whole flow is better described there too.
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This seems to work, but there might be other ways:let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "click", withExtension: "wav")
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The question is at the very top "I'd like to know if there are any good patterns to follow for state management in SwiftUI?"
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Looking into State architecture. For example, the Redux cases are good to demonstrate a unidirectional data-flow.I haven't found much about this subject, so I'll stick with `ReSwift`, for now.