




SCNTechnique: Accessing A Node's Textures in DRAW_SCENE Pass
Is there any way to access the Textures of a material for a Node in a SCNTechnique DRAW_SCENE pass? I am implementing a custom SCNTechnique. This is primarily for practice with different rendering techniques, so performance is not my goal. Ideally, if I had full control of the pipeline I (think I) could attach multiple targets and get the albedo, normal, depth in a single pass. Right now, I am attempting to implement SSAO and (eventually) Deferred Lighting with SCNTechniques. My SSAO passes will eventually look like the following: Render Albedo to Texture, Depth to Texture Render Normal to Texture Compute Occlusion, combine with Albedo Right now I am attempting to debug, and am doing the following: (attempting to) Render Albedo to Texture Render Normal to Texture Combining the two for visual confirmation My Technique has the following definition: "passes": [ "albedoPass": [ "draw": "DRAW_SCENE", "metalVertexShader": "albedoVertex", "metalFragmentShader": "albedoFragment", "outputs": [ "color": "AlbedoMap", ], "colorStates": [ "clear": "1", ], "depthStates": [ "clear": "1", ], ], "normalPass": [ "draw": "DRAW_SCENE", "metalVertexShader": "normalsVertex", "metalFragmentShader": "normalsFragment", "inputs": [ ], "outputs": [ "color": "ViewSpaceNormalMap", ], "colorStates": [ "clear": "1", ], "depthStates": [ "clear": "1", ], ], "showNormal": [ "draw": "DRAW_QUAD", "metalVertexShader": "normalsResultVertex", "metalFragmentShader": "normalsResultFragment", "inputs": [ "quadOverlayPosition": "quadOverlayPosition-Symbol", "viewSpaceNormalMapTexture": "ViewSpaceNormalMap", "albedoMapTexture": "AlbedoMap", ], "outputs": [ "color": "COLOR", ], "colorStates": [ "clear": "1", ], ] ], "sequence": [ "albedoPass", "normalPass", "showNormalPass", ], "targets": [ "AlbedoMap": [ "type": "color", ], "ViewSpaceNormalMap": [ "type": "color", ], ], "symbols": [ "quadOverlayPosition-Symbol": [ "semantic": "vertex", ], ], ] For the albedo pass, would it be possible to acquire the diffuse material in the fragment/vertex shader given to the pass? Like so: #include <metal_stdlib> using namespace metal; #include <SceneKit/scn_metal> struct VertexIn { float3 position  [[attribute(SCNVertexSemanticPosition)]]; float2 uv [[attribute(SCNVertexSemanticTexcoord0)]]; }; struct VertexOut { float4 position [[position]]; float2 uv; }; struct NodeBuffer { float4x4 modelTransform; float4x4 inverseModelTransform; float4x4 modelViewTransform; float4x4 inverseModelViewTransform; float4x4 normalTransform; // Inverse transpose of modelViewTransform float4x4 modelViewProjectionTransform; float4x4 inverseModelViewProjectionTransform; float2x3 boundingBox; float2x3 worldBoundingBox; }; vertex VertexOut albedoVertex(VertexIn in [[ stage_in ]], constant SCNSceneBuffer& scn_frame [[buffer(0)]], constant NodeBuffer& scn_node [[buffer(1)]]) { VertexOut out; out.position = scn_node.modelViewProjectionTransform * float4(in.position, 1.0); out.uv = in.uv; return out; } fragment float4 albedoFragment(VertexOut out [[ stage_in ]], texture2d<float, access::sample> diffuse [[texture(0)]]) { constexpr sampler textureSampler(coord::normalized, filter::linear, address::repeat); float4 color = diffuse.sample(textureSampler, out.uv); return color; } Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Jun ’21