First of all, thank you for your support, I finally came to a custom NSURLProtocol solution to handle my needs. Now I have to switch to WKWebview due to Apple restriction on apps update from December 2020.I sadly didn't find anything similar to a custom protocol in WKWebview, there is only the WKURLSchemeHandler but it doesn't allow to handle http or https in a custom way. Is there another way or other objects to use with WKWebview that allow me to switch from UIWebview to WKWebview and (possibly) reuse my custom NSURLProtocol?
And what about CryptoTokenKit? By documentation it seems possible to use it on ios 13.0+In one of your previous replies Re: RSA key for web client authentication you said that maybe is possible to use CryptoTokenKit and WKWebView to achieve in our goal. Is now possible on iOS as it seems?
Is there any update on this topic? I am also interested in accomplish the same task. Should it be possible to use custom objects equals to WKBrowsingContextController, WKURLRequestNS, copying all code but adding those fixes?
I have this issue with XCode 15.x
I have tried all suggestions from Apple Forum and Stackoverflow but i can't figure out how to solve this.