Sorry, that doesn't help at all. Its unsettling to have console log give you comments like:
Writing analzed variants.
[plugin] AddInstanceForFactory: No factory registered for id <CFUUID 0x600001d04c80> F8BB1C28-BAE8-11D6-9C31-00039315CD46
When there's nothing going wrong with the app. It just makes developers think they did something wrong, or Apple Xcode/Swift devs are not doing their job.
Where does one find "DeviceType" and what does it mean? DeviceType of the simulator?
Good to see Apple working hard on this problem for you!
The motivation is that most any project in XCode won't run without it, when using M1 chip machines. So it's been forced upon devs who look up why code refuses to run on their M1 machines. It's a common look-up for M1 machine coders.
Nice, but you didn't mention how you'd do that.
this code gets an error: Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'URL'
Nice, but that's besides the point. The console should be free of comments, unless the comment makes sense. Apple should address this an any other issues associated with switching to the M-line chips, as there seems to be LOTS of comments in the console related to M1/M2 era.
This question should've been answered by someone at Apple, or else someone at apple ought to write GOOD verbose and exact comments in the console so developers can address the issue.