
Post marked as solved
1 Replies
To answer my own question: Use ViewThatFits and build views with every possible count. Seems unnecessarily expensive but it works. var body: some View { ViewThatFits { ForEach((1...entry.toDos.count).reversed(), id: \.self) { limit in VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 4) { ForEach(entry.toDos.prefix(limit), id: \.self.identifier) { entry in ToDoView(checked: entry.completed, flag: entry.flag, text: } if (limit < entry.toDos.count) { Text(String(format:NSLocalizedString("%i more...", comment: "[n] more..."), entry.toDos.count - limit)) .font(.footnote) .foregroundStyle(.secondary) .padding(.leading, 24) .padding(.top, -3) .unredacted() } } } } }
Post not yet marked as solved
6 Replies
I'm encountering this issue today using iOS 14 beta 7. Did either of you ever find a solution?
Post not yet marked as solved
4 Replies
Thanks for replying. From what I’ve read so far an App Clip works as a URL scheme behind the scenes. Without uploading the shared file to my private server (a potential privacy issue) is there a way to pass a mail attachment (or other local file content) to an App Clip? I admit I still have more reading/watching to do, so no need to go into great detail if you can point me in the right direction or tell me it’s impossible at the moment. Basically I want my App Clip to work as a Quicklook Preview extension without having to purchase the app.
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2 Replies
Hi. This was posted a while ago but I thought I'd respond in case anyone else has the same problem and winds up here.In Catalyst a UIAlertViewController with no UIAlertActions still shows an 'OK' button. Clicking that button leads to the crash.In order to fix this you must add your own empty 'OK' UIAlertAction to the controller before presenting it.