
Post not yet marked as solved
9 Replies
Yes I tried with 11.2.1 GM Seed but no success ... 😟It occurs when I build my framework and I deploy on simulator OR device, no matter.(xcodebuild -quiet -project MyApp.xcodeproj/ -scheme MyAppFramework-library -sdk iphoneos$VERSION_NUMBER -configuration Distribution build -UseModernBuildSystem=NO)But if I deploy the code in a classic way (Build & Run with Xcode) on a simulator or device, I have no problem.It occurs only when I create my framework. Moreover, Crash occur only with some view (common point is maybe they were created with .xib). Otherwise I can start application and use some features (very few).The targets are corrects (everything works with Xcode 10.3). The crash produced inside "required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)" at 2 differents places (I didn't check the rest of the application because I crash before...)I hope I was clear.Thanks for helping
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9 Replies
Xcode 12.2.1 doesn't not exist yet.You meant Xcode 11.2.1? I already tested with it like I said in my post