Lol, for me it is required, as I am building RegExp testing utility ( for various languages. Implementations in languages have slight differences, so the best ways to implement flavors is to use the original languages.
Right now I have: Swift/Objc with NSRegularExpression
Go (that was easy, considering I can build a CLI and just embed it in the Helpers as CLI tool)
JavaScript (with WebKit embedded)
For Python/Ruby, etc I don't want to **** the application itself, and want to use shipped with Mac Python runtimes.
So back to my question, when I try to launch a process with
let task = Process()
task.executableURL = "/usr/bin/python3"
task.arguments = [[URL(fileURLWithPath: "", relativeTo: Bundle.main.resourceURL).path]]
I get
xcrun: error: cannot be used within an App Sandbox
So my original question is, my guess if that is possible to do with App Sandbox, I need to:
give some additional capabilities?
maybe ask user to point to the Python and have "read-only" access to the file (but that would not give execution permission on the file)
I will appreciate any pointers to what to try, what to read.
Just tried to run Android Studio (4.1.1) on Macbook Pro M1, it works, but:
No emulators at this point
Can build and publish on Android Phone (Nexus 4a in my case)
IntelliJ has some lags in performance on M1 (because it is not native, and Intel built), but feels pretty usable.