I am unable to run my app out of Xcode. I have been able to run my app off of my iPhone and simulators in the past so I am not sure what is happening.
I continue to get this error:
rsync: [sender] link_stat "/Users/myusername/Desktop/ProjectName/GitHub Repo/packageName/node_modules/expo-structured-headers/ios/EXStructuredHeaders.xcframework/ios-arm64/*" failed: No such file or directory (2)
but i can see that the file does exist
I also have updated my rsync and have done the usual delete pod.lock file and then do pod update, pod install, I have also tried pod deintegrate and pod install.
I have tried my physical phone as well as a phone simulator. I have tried clearing the simulator cache, creating a brand new simulator, changing the directory name, upgrading the expo package, upgrading all of the outdated packages....not sure what else to do. Any help would be appreciated.
I am trying to run an app on my iPhone and am running into an error: Signing for "Galavant" requires a development team.
So I set my development team by setting my signing & capabilities to "Automatically manage signing" to true. I also go to my Build Settings --> Signing --> Development Team for both debug and release to any SDK.
The issue is when I go to set "Team" under Signing & Capabilities and drop down to my account...is snaps back to "none". I can see the connected accounts when I drop down but it won't let me select them.
Any idea why this is happening?
In the app store connect I am not sure how to read the data about App Units. If I put the date range to this week, it shows a low number. If I put the dates to the last 3 months, it shows a high number. Which number is the current number of devices that have the app installed?
I pushed my first app to the app store so I apologize if I am missing something obvious but when I push a new version/ update to the app, I do not see the app under "Available Updates". I can only update the app when I manually search for the app from the search bar in the App Store.
What I was expecting was the app to be in the list of "Available Updates" under my Account in the App Store.
How can I get my app in the list of "Available Updates" in the Account section of the App Store?
Are there debug logs or way to see why apple sign in is crashing in TestFlight? I am unable to see why every time I push the build to TestFlight and try to use applesignin, it crashes the entire app.