




Cannot Build Debug - "App requires a provisioning profile with Push Notifications etc"
I am using Xcode 12.5 and automatic signing. I can build release locally but cannot build debug to run on my device. Code Signing Error: "Unity-iPhone" requires a provisioning profile with the In-App Purchase, Game Center, and Push Notifications features. Select a provisioning profile in the Signing & Capabilities editor. Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 14.5' Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 14.5' I have checked everything several times. My provisioning profile includes those capabilities. I have revoked and created my certificates and provisioning profiles in Xcode. I even went as far as so configure APNs with SSL certificates but I still keep getting the same error. I have tried manual code signing, and checked my build settings. Identity, team, profile settings all seem to be correct. I have also tried manual code signing and again everything looks correct my build settings. Same error no matter what I do. Really at a loss here.
Jun ’21
Can't Build Ad-hoc Locally - Profile Doesn't Include My Cert
I am trying to debug our build machine by running the scripts locally. But I can't do Ad Hoc builds on my local dev machine. The error message is *** Ad Hoc Distribution" doesn't include signing certificate "Apple Development: Paul Wilkinson  In Xcode when I try to select the Ad Hoc Distribution profile in Signing & Capabilities I get the same error message and the profile is Ineligible. I tried downloaded the certificate from the developer site but when I open it it does not appear in my keychain. I could not find a way to add my certificate to the profile. I did a lot of searching for solutions but I cannot use automatic provisioning on the build machine. Any suggestions? Cheers!
May ’21