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I was trying to compile WebDriver for QML on Mac. With *** the above source generates xcode project files.When I try to compile project in xcode, I get multiple defined error for (FILE), where they are defining NSSearchPathDirectory & NSSearchPathDomainMask. (This they have taken from NSPathUtilities.h.)mac/foundation_util.h----------// Adapted from NSPathUtilities.h and NSObjCRuntime.h. #if __LP64__ || NS_BUILD_32_LIKE_64 typedef unsigned long NSSearchPathDirectory; typedef unsigned long NSSearchPathDomainMask; #else typedef unsigned int NSSearchPathDirectory; typedef unsigned int NSSearchPathDomainMask; ---------When I remove this declaration, it is giving not defined error.I dont know where to start. I am compiling first timein mac with xcode. Any suggestions, pointers would be helpful.
by nvharisha.
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