




[macOS] altool Error: You must first sign the relevant contracts online. (1048)
My environment: Mac mini (2018) macOS 10.15.4 Beta (19E224g) Xcode Version 11.3 (11C29) The macOS app notarization process worked fine for me until some days ago. When I run xcrun altool to notarize a dmg file using the following command: xcrun altool --notarize-app -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD --asc-provider $PROVIDER_SHORT_NAME -f $FILENAME --primary-bundle-id $BUNDLE_ID I got the following error: ... Package Summary: 1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems: /var/folders/qk/1x13c56s7cz36269tzb_6rwh0000gn/T/9B358F94-90F2-40C1-88AF-75C29435773E/$BUNDLE_ID.itmsp - Error Messages: You must first sign the relevant contracts online. (1048) 2020-07-13 11:57:10.013 altool[3978:497169] *** Error: You must first sign the relevant contracts online. (1048) I've checked As eskimo pointed out: Contracts (A) — This is the ‘obvious’ cause of this problem, one that I discussed above in point 1 of my 1 Jun post, above. I've checked Apple Developer Account -> Membership -> Agreements: Agreements (2) Apple Developer Program License Agreement Issued June 22, 2020 Accepted July 10, 2020 Apple Developer Agreement Issued June 07, 2015 Accepted July 10, 2017 So, it's not the case A Multiple teams and Xcode (B) — If you’re submitting via Xcode, be aware that there is currently a bug whereby, if you’re a member of multiple teams, it selects the ‘wrong’ team and trigger this problem (r. 52206810). I already specified the right team provider name(--asc-provider $PROVIDER_SHORT_NAME) when notarizing, and I only joined one team, so it's not the case B. Enterprise teams (C) — There’s an ongoing problem that causes this error for In-House (Enterprise) teams. Definitely the the case C, I'm in a regular Apple Developer Program team. Solutions found on the internet isn't work out for me thus far, do anyone have a clue?
Jul ’20