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yep, that's the fix. i figured it out as well
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i like the idea of level count. I was inpired by it. then i belived i took a different approach to solve the problem.
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i ah... i think i did it in a wrong way. Since i know that the character can jump, so i just ask one charactor jump and sweep the map for required gems. and it worked.but if the character can't jump at all, then i haven't figured out how to solve it yet.=====update======for the sake of seeking the true, i just did my thought through version which uses two experts, no jumping. and i'm super lazy, so i created several functions for the computer to determind what to do. i only lower or raise the level like several time until task complete. in a word, i let it automate.
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i've done 2 versions since the game asked me to exhaust all resource acquired previously. so here are my two solutions:==============cheating code==============let xp=Expert() let ch=Character(), facing:.north, atColumn: 0, row: 4), facing:.north, atColumn: 2, row: 0) var countGem=0 func aCycle(){ for i in 1...6{ if countGem < totalGems { if ch.isOnGem{ ch.collectGem() countGem += 1 } ch.jump() } } } func halfMission(){ aCycle() ch.turnRight() ch.jump() ch.turnRight() aCycle() ch.turnLeft() ch.jump() ch.turnLeft() aCycle() } halfMission() ch.turnLeft() ch.turnLeft() halfMission()===============thought through code========let totalGems = randomNumberOfGems let xp1 = Expert() let xp2 = Expert() var levelCount=0 //count where the levels are, to determind to move up or down var gemCount=0, facing:.north, atColumn:0, row:4), facing:.north, atColumn:3, row:0) // place expert 1 and 2 on the map func collectCount (){ if xp2.isOnGem{ xp2.collectGem() gemCount += 1 } } //create a function that determins whether isOnGem, then collect and countGem func solveSpot(){ if xp2.isOnGem{ collectCount() } if !xp2.isBlockedLeft{ xp2.turnLeft() xp2.moveForward() collectCount() xp2.turnLeft() xp2.turnLeft() xp2.moveForward() xp2.turnLeft() } if !xp2.isBlockedRight{ xp2.turnRight() xp2.moveForward() collectCount() xp2.turnRight() xp2.turnRight() xp2.moveForward() xp2.turnRight() } else if xp2.isBlockedLeft && xp2.isBlockedRight { } if !xp2.isBlocked{xp2.moveForward()} else if xp2.isBlocked {xp2.turnLeft() xp2.turnLeft() //turn around at the end of the road } } //this function solve each row, if it's not block left or right, go and check gems, yes gem? get it and return, no gem? just return. func solveColumn(){ for i in 1...7 { if gemCount < totalGems { solveSpot() } } } //solve the whole column automatically func upCycle(){ xp1.turnLockUp() levelCount += 1 solveColumn() } //move the lock up and solve a column automatically func downCycle(){ xp1.turnLockDown() levelCount -= 1 solveColumn() } //move the lock down and solve a column automatically while gemCount < totalGems { xp1.turnLockUp() if levelCount == 1{ for i in 1...3 { upCycle() } } if levelCount == 3{ for i in 1...3 { downCycle() } } } //b4 required gems are collected, move up level then sweep the whole 3 column for accessible avilable gems. then at the end, if still need more gems, move down and repeat the cycle.
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hi, regarding this, i had another problem.when calling the method "moveForward()" i have to define which instance is using it, so it would be" expertOne.moveForward()"but if i want to create a new function, to tell the instance to move forward a certain number of steps, i would write:let expertOne = Expert()func moveSteps(steps : Int){for i in 1...steps {expertOne.moveForward()}}however if i have two or more instance of Expert(), i don't want to make different functions for each instance, so is there a way to code like this:func moveSteps(who: [some-data-type], steps: Int){for i in 1...steps {who.moveForward()}}so that everytime i can just callmoveSteps (who: expertTwo; steps: 4)then expertTwo will execute "expertTwo.moveForward()" 4 times,my code was definitely unacceptable, it's just for discussion sake. Any idea if i can realize this? like letting String becoming an instance name? Much appriciated.