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4 Replies
you are probably having thread contention. they could be blocking each other. it is possible to overwhelm the system with too many threads. sometimes u get better utilisation with less threads. really u only want as many as you have cpu cores running at the same time otherwise they interrupt each other. u can look at the concurrency tool in instruments for some hints.
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10 Replies
this still happens in iOS17 final
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13 Replies
yes. they give u sample code to setup the stack in swift without using swiftui
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5 Replies
I've found that in some cases setting .id(UUID()) on the navigationLink fixes the problem, but it doesn't work all the time.
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23 Replies
add .id(UUID()) on the NavigationLink fixes it for me in some cases. I think it's a bug in swiftUI. and I'm sure that there are more appropriate ways of assigning the id, but if u ensure the id is unique then it will fix the freeze in some cases. still doesn't fix it for everything.
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Replied In Xcode cloud -
I didn't think Xcode supported java? I thought it was only C, and apple languages - Objective C, Swift, SwiftUI no?
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23 Replies
same issue when tapping on NavigaitonLink. using new swiftui syntax but not using the programmatic way. 100% CPU freeze.
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2 Replies
If you want a syncing solution you can use core data+CloudKit. This will allow your users to use the data offline. The sharing intergration using core data with CloudKit isn’t quite there - it exists but I don’t think anyone has been able to get it to work. But you can share directly with the CloudKit apis and write your own integration with Core data. This is how most people do it. you can also store your data on an external server and access it directly. This will need an internet connection unless u write your own syncing.
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Start by doing a search on google for swift tutorials and start with an introductory tutorial. If you aren't much of a self learner then enrolling in a programming, IT or computer science course at your local educational institution is another starting point. it sounds like you don't have any background in programming, so yes it will take a significant investment of time. 6-12 months at least if you are serious about it, maybe more.
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2 Replies
Seems to be a bug in the iOS16 SDK for DatePicker. you can safely ignore it. I can't remember what it was but there is a compiler flag u can set so it reduces the error message down to one line to clean up your console. you can probably find it with a google/stackoverflow/forum search
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1 Replies
to fix this I had to reset the environment, let the record tables be recreated and then re-add the recordName and modifiedTimestamp indexes for the public database. exporting the environment schema and then reimporting didn't work.
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Replied In need help
start by telling us what the app is, what u are doing to make it crash, what os and device you are using, any error messages, your code. no one can help you with "can someone help me understand why this app is crashing? thank you so much!"
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2 Replies
try this let fetchRequest : NSFetchRequest<Item> = Item.fetchRequest()     fetchRequest.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Item.itemNo?, ascending: false)]     let results = try context.fetch(fetchRequest)
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2 Replies
Replied In iOS 16 beta 6
its your device, do what u want