
Post not yet marked as solved
6 Replies
Hello Tried sample application just to setupChannelManager and joinTheChannel, but for some reason PTChannelManager initialised successfully but with NO channelUUID Xcode Configuration wise, we have done the following things, New PushToTalk Capability added for our application-identifier [ Apple Dev account] New PushToTalk BackgroundMode is enabled APNS capability added Microphone Permission entry added in pList We have the below required entitlements     a>     b> aps-environmentdevelopment Could you please help here and see whether anything we are missing which is resulting in NULL channelUUID within didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method [PTChannelManager channelManagerWithDelegate:self restorationDelegate:self completionHandler:^(PTChannelManager * _Nullable manager, NSError * _Nullable error) {      NSLog(@"Active Channel ID = %@", [[manager activeChannelUUID] description]);     }   }];
Post marked as solved
2 Replies
Hello Thanks the above review agreement was the reason for app identifier register problem, Its resolved. Tried sample application just to setupChannelManager and joinTheChannel, but for some reason PTChannelManager initialised successfully but with NO channelUUID and Error param also nil Xcode Configuration wise, we have done the following things, New PushToTalk Capability added for our application-identifier [ Apple Dev account] New PushToTalk BackgroundMode is enabled APNS capability added Microphone Permission entry added in pList We have the below required entitlements     a>     b> aps-environmentdevelopment Could you please help here and see whether anything we are missing which is resulting in NULL channelUUID within didFinishLaunchingWithOptions delegate method [PTChannelManager channelManagerWithDelegate:self restorationDelegate:self completionHandler:^(PTChannelManager * _Nullable manager, NSError * _Nullable error) {     NSLog(@"Active Channel ID = %@", [[manager activeChannelUUID] description]); }];
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
Hello Thank you, i will refer the given links
Post not yet marked as solved
62 Replies
Hello ,Did you find any answer for the above issue. We have reported Apple ticket, yet to get response.Even configuring our app as Inter-App Audio also didn't help. OS is throwing below error-CMSUtilities- CMSUtility_IsAllowedToStartRecording: CMSession: Client <private> with PID 909 is in the background and doesn't have the entitlement to start recording in the background.