




How to use UIPanGestureRecognizer to continuously track swipes?
Hello,I'm working on a game that is controlled by swipes. I have the following function to track pan swipes:@objc func handlePanFrom(_ recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) { if recognizer.state != .cancelled { let translation = recognizer.translation(in: recognizer.view) // TODO: use the x and y coordinates of endPoint and beginPoint to determine which direction the swipe occurred. let xDif = translation.x let yDif = translation.y if abs(xDif) > abs(yDif) { if xDif > 0 { changeDirection(direction: .east) print("change east") } else { changeDirection(direction: .west) print("change west") } } else if abs(yDif) > abs(xDif) { if yDif > 0 { changeDirection(direction: .south) print("change south") } else { changeDirection(direction: .north) print("change north") } }This will track the user's swipes and change the direction effectively, but only if the user lets go of the screen after every swipe. I was wondering, is there a way to "reset" the translation positions every time the direciton is changed so the user does not have to release from the screen after swiping? I tried calling recognizer.setTranslation(CGPointZero, inView: self.view) every time the direction is changed, but that didn't work.
Apr ’20
Adjusting my background image for different phone sizes?
Hello,I have my GameScene.sks frame set to 750x1334 pixels (iphone 8). Inside of it I have one image which I want to stay the same across all devices, and a "border" image that surrounds the screen that I want to expand for different phone sizes. I have created new images for all screen resolutions bigger than the iphone 8, but couldn't figure out how to get them to display for different phones. How would I go about doing that?
Apr ’20
How to pause the game when the user receives a notification?
Hi, I am working on an app and I need it to call my pauseAfterNotif() method whenever the user receives a push notification (text message, instagram dm, etc.)Here's what I have right now:AppDelegate:func applicationWillResignActive(_ application: UIApplication) { NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "goToBackground"), object: self) print("notif read") }GameScene.didMove():let notificationCenter = NotificationCenter.default notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(pauseAfterNotif), name: UIApplication.willResignActiveNotification, object: nil)GameScene.pauseAfterNotif():@objc func pauseAfterNotif() { if !isGamePaused { pauseGame() print("notif detected") } }Right now, the code only executes when I exit the game and enter the homescreen or if I receive a call while playing. Is it possible to have it execute when I receive a push notification too?
Apr ’20
Can't hide or unhide GameScene elements from touchNode input
Hello,I am making my first game and am running into an issue. I have a pause button in my game and when it's pressed I want my "pauseMenu" to unhide, but it's not working. Here's code from my GameScene:if touchNode == pauseButton { pauseGame()}func pauseGame() { self.view?.isPaused = true print("Before isHidden is set to false: \(pauseMenu?.isHidden)") pauseMenu?.isHidden = false print("After isHidden is set to false: \(pauseMenu?.isHidden)")}Here's what prints:Before isHidden is set to false: Optional(true)After isHidden is set to false: Optional(false)As you can see, the pauseGame() function gets called successfully, and the view pauses, but the pauseMenu stays hidden. It's weird because it successfully unhides if I call pauseMenu?.isHidden = false elsewhere, like in my function that is called when the game ends:func gameOver() { ... toggleViews()}func toggleViews() { ... print("Before isHidden is set to false: \(pauseMenu?.isHidden)") pauseMenu?.isHidden = false print("After isHidden is set to false: \(pauseMenu?.isHidden)")}This successfuly unhides the pauseMenu and prints the same code:Before isHidden is set to false: Optional(true)After isHidden is set to false: Optional(false)I think the problem has something to do with not being able to hide or unhide something from a touchNode, if I call toggleViews() like this, nothing happens to the gameScene.if touchNode == pauseButton { toggleViews()}I'm at a loss here, I've been trying to fix this for a few hours. Any help is greatly appreciated
Apr ’20