
Post not yet marked as solved
9 Replies
Thanks for the prompt reply @eskimo! I could understand that there is no way to control Airplane Mode or DND programmatically for now. But I wish to have such feature which will help in many situations, for example, I can prompt user to Turn on DND or Airplane mode when they start recording something, so that their audio/video session will not be interrupted by phone calls or other audio/video services. Also if the privacy is main concern, iOS can confirm with user whenever we request to turn ON/OFF Airplane Mode or DND as like iOS prompting and confirming with users when requesting to delete PHAsset. I hope we will have public API to control Airplane Mode or DND with users permissions as like other privacy permissions(photos, location, etc) does. Thank you! Natarajan S
Post not yet marked as solved
9 Replies
Hi, I'm also looking for the public API to check status and control the DND or Airplane mode with user's permission. So Is there any latest update on this question? Thanks! Natarajan S