
Post marked as solved
6 Replies
The structure is, as I said in the question: the Entity Users and the attributes name (String) and password (String). That is all
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6 Replies
Now I understand. It works very well. Thank you!
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I have created a new document > Cocoa Class and I put your code. Is it the right way? I got several errors. Sorry, probably I do not understand.
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3 Replies
Thank you Claude31. Can you specify where do you put each part of the code, please? Remember that I use storyboard. (I am not familiar with the previous way)
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I have reported to Apple:
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This is what I tried before asking. I tried again and it gives me that error. It is the same line repeated multiple times with different numbers. (1-macOS is the name of the project)2019-11-28 10:17:59.427279+0100 1-macOS[1082:32145] [Process] kill() returned unexpected error 1
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3 Replies
Thank you!"- remove the former view"I could make the View transparent: view.window?.isOpaque = false view.window?.backgroundColor = NSColor.clearBut is it possible to totally remove it? how?
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I understand the notification method and it works well. I also would like to learn how to have a reference for the other window.
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15 Replies
Hi Calude31. Thank you very much for your help. I tried many things that are close. But all seem to have some drawback. I thought about a different approach. I created a completely transparent window and a transparent bar and buttons. Inside an NSView. This way I can control the aspect and conditions of the NSView much easier than the window. It is not the perfect solution but, by now, it is my favorite option.By the way, I could get rid of the pesky line of the transparent window if I put it in the viewVillAppear. (I still not sure why it works well there and not in ViewDidLoad nor if I call the window with a button.)
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I tried that before asking and it did not work. Now I see the problem is that the window also is transparent. It is the window and not the NSView that makes the label trans. So I update the question. How to make the label non transparent if the window is transparent?view.window?.isOpaque = falseview.window?.backgroundColor = NSColor.clear
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9 Replies
Thank you for your answers. I cannot make it work. I need to find tutorials to learn the basics. It is not easy to find material to learn macOS.
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Thank you very much!. I had no idea. I was completely lost. I understand your explanation on how to make it not visible at launch. But I still do not understand how it works as a whole. How to make it appear later?. I have been searching for tutorials, or anywhere that could explain the whole picture and I cannot find it.What I try to do is to control the position and size of the window from the beginning. I tried that on the viewDidLoad. I give some seconds to load the page. (without that I could not see the page) DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3.0){ self.view.window?.setFrame(NSRect(x:10,y:10,width:200,height:100), display: true) }This works in regular storyboard but the window appears and then reposition. A strange effect. That is why I wanted to hide on the beginning. If I use xip, I have no place to put the code to open the window later. If I use the storyboard and delete the arrow, that code does not work, gives me an error. Sorry, I do not know where to go to learn. Thank you in any case.
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I do New Project > macOS > App > User Interface StoryboardI go to Main.storyboard > Attributes > Select Window (Inside Window Controller) and check that Visible At Launch is not selected by defaultI click the play button and a window appearsI have "clean build folder" and try again. It appears.MacOS 10.14.6Xcode 11.1
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One small window of my app do not have title bar. The rest of the app windows have title bar. I hope it will not be a problem in the app. store. Thank you for the link but it seems too complicated and my level of objc is not enough.
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In System Preferences / General there is the option Automatically hide and show the menu bar. That is general for the mac. I know how to control that with AppleScript. If I understand your answer that is not possible with Swift. Is that right?