在使用 Xcode 构建项目时,我遇到了以下错误:
Showing All Errors Only
Prepare packages
Prepare build
Build service could not create build operation: unable to load transferred PIF: The workspace contains multiple references with the same GUID 'PACKAGE:1Y9CU7L2QFO7OX4UJBYP19ZPPL5MJNV3R::MAINGROUP'
Activity Log Complete 2024/12/24, 15:26 0.2 seconds
1. 我正在开发一个使用 Swift Package Manager (SPM) 管理依赖的多模块 iOS 项目。
2. 构建过程中,Xcode 无法加载传输的 PIF 文件,并提示某个 GUID 存在重复引用。
3. 这个问题导致整个项目无法正常构建。
1. 检查了 Swift Package Manager 的依赖管理:
• 确认没有重复添加相同的依赖。
2. 清理了 Derived Data:
3. 检查了 project.pbxproj 文件,搜索 GUID 'PACKAGE:1Y9CU7L2QFO7OX4UJBYP19ZPPL5MJNV3R::MAINGROUP':
• 没有发现明显的重复引用。
4. 删除并重新添加了所有的 Swift 包依赖。
5. 删除并重新生成了 .xcworkspace 文件。
• 尝试以上解决方案后问题依然存在,构建仍然失败。
• 这可能是由于某些依赖的重复引用或 Xcode 内部的问题。
Xcode 16.2
Mac OS 15.2
在Mac OS 15.2 使用 Xcode 16.2 构建项目时,我遇到了以下错误:
Showing All Errors Only
Prepare packages
Prepare build
Build service could not create build operation: unable to load transferred PIF: The workspace contains multiple references with the same GUID 'PACKAGE:1Y9CU7L2QFO7OX4UJBYP19ZPPL5MJNV3R::MAINGROUP'
Activity Log Complete 2024/12/24, 15:26 0.2 seconds
{"app_name":"Lama","timestamp":"2024-04-24 17:53:43.00 +0800","app_version":"3.4.2","slice_uuid":"e6cfc88e-7676-3714-8064-92cf92277f05","adam_id":0,"build_version":"126","platform":0,"bundleID":"love.wenext.lama","share_with_app_devs":0,"is_first_party":0,"bug_type":"109","os_version":"iPhone OS 14.8.1 (18H107)","incident_id":"6D0C72BF-1838-4DBD-888F-18B7BD1FD905","name":"Lama"}
Incident Identifier: 6D0C72BF-1838-4DBD-888F-18B7BD1FD905
CrashReporter Key: 3324822a0132dd746e7f222aa15b4e29af10d61f
Hardware Model: iPhone10,1
Process: Lama [17804]
Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4866DEE0-0897-411C-B0BA-7F4634AB86B9/Lama.app/Lama
Identifier: love.wenext.lama
Version: 126 (3.4.2)
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Role: Foreground
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Coalition: love.wenext.lama [393]
Date/Time: 2024-04-24 17:53:42.8357 +0800
Launch Time: 2024-04-24 17:53:42.1537 +0800
OS Version: iPhone OS 14.8.1 (18H107)
Release Type: User
Baseband Version: 6.71.01
Report Version: 104
Exception Subtype: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x8010000105ab861b
Termination Signal: Segmentation fault: 11
Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb
Terminating Process: exc handler [17804]
Highlighted by Thread: 0
Backtrace not available
Unknown thread crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
x0: 0x0000000105ab8000 x1: 0x0000000000000008 x2: 0x000000016b6756ef x3: 0x0000000000000000
x4: 0x0000000000000000 x5: 0x0000000000000000 x6: 0x7473696c7373616c x7: 0x0000000000000bc0
x8: 0x000000016b6757c0 x9: 0x000000016b675778 x10: 0x00000001057860b8 x11: 0x000000000000000b
x12: 0x0000000000ff0006 x13: 0x0000000000007810 x14: 0x0000000000000003 x15: 0x000000016b676150
x16: 0x000000011788c3a8 x17: 0xbd656ebe86d736b6 x18: 0x0000000000000000 x19: 0x000000016b675890
x20: 0x0000000121b90238 x21: 0x8010000000000623 x22: 0x801000000000063b x23: 0x000000016b676000
x24: 0x8010000105ab861b x25: 0x000000016b6757e8 x26: 0x000000016b696878 x27: 0x000000016b6762d0
x28: 0x000000010578c1bc fp: 0x000000016b675840 lr: 0x000000010574a5c0
sp: 0x000000016b6757c0 pc: 0x000000010574a5f0 cpsr: 0x60000000
esr: 0x00000000 Address size fault
Binary images description not available
Error Formulating Crash Report:
Failed to create CSSymbolicatorRef - corpse still valid ¯_(ツ)_/¯