I have a library for my iOS Apps. It uses among other things the Combine framework, Core Location and OSLog. I manage the library using the Swift Package Manager (SPM) and usually build via XCode, which works fine. However for CI I would like to build everything from the terminal. So I do call 'swift build' on the terminal. This produces errors such as:
'PassthroughSubject' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
'os_log(:dso:log::_:)' is only available in macOS 10.14 or newer
'eraseToAnyPublisher()' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
'authorizedWhenInUse' is unavailable in macOS
'AnyPublisher' is only available in macOS 10.15 or newer
'showsBackgroundLocationIndicator' is unavailable in macOS
These are all from the used frameworks. However, I do not care on which version of macOS, for example, PassthroughSubject is only available at, since the library is iOS only. Too make sure of that I added "platforms: [.iOS(.v14)]" to my Package.swift and thought this would be sufficient, so the project does not get build for macOS.
Can anyone please tell me or give me a hint on what I am getting wrong here?