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Hi all, I have an app that uses storyboards to power two extensions (a share extension and an iMessage app). Up until Xcode 15, these app extensions worked flawlessly. Now that my app is built with Xcode 15, these share extensions fail to load the main storyboards (I get a crash on my IBOutlets being nil). Is there some setting in the new Xcode that I need to enable to make sure my storyboard is loaded properly? Or is this a bug that I should be submitting to the Feedback Assistant? I just want to inquire before I spend time building a reproducer project.
by mpdifran.
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Hi,I have an app for iOS/iPadOS that I've recently converted to support Mac Catalyst. The app used to run fine using an older version of Xcode, but now when I try and run the app on Xcode Version 11.4.1 (11E503a), I get the following error for 4 of my dependencies: error: multiple configured targets of 'XXXX' are being created for macOSI'm not sure how to fix this. The app runs fine on iOS and iPadOS.Here's a Package.swift for one of my dependencies:// swift-tools-version:5.1import PackageDescriptionlet package = Package( name: "MDFToolbox", platforms: [ .macOS(.v10_13), .iOS(.v12), .tvOS(.v12), .watchOS(.v3) ], products: [ .library(name: "MDFToolbox", type: .dynamic, targets: ["MDFToolbox"]), .library(name: "MDFToolboxMocks", type: .dynamic, targets: ["MDFToolboxMocks"]) ], dependencies: [ .package(url: "", from: "2.7.0"), ], targets: [ .target(name: "MDFToolbox", dependencies: ["Swinject"]), .target(name: "MDFToolboxMocks", dependencies: ["MDFToolbox"]), //.testTarget(name: "MDFToolboxTests", dependencies: ["MDFToolbox"]) ])
by mpdifran.
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Hey guys, I'm trying to use the new appearance APIs to tint the bar button items in my navigation controller for specific view controllers, and the tint is only applied to text based bar button items. Image bar button items maintain the app's tint.More info can be found on my stack overflow question, along with a screenshot of the issue.
by mpdifran.
Last updated