




Package update fails for package hosted on private Gitlab server
I've been struggling to understand why the "update package" feature is failing for a private package I have hosted on our company gitlab server. I am able to add the package to the project just fine, and Xcode downloads the latest version. Any time I make a change and bump the minor version of my package (e.g. 0.0.8 -> 0.0.9), I cannot get Xcode to update to the latest. I have "0.0.8 - next major" set for the version rules. Initially adding the package to the project was successful: But when I update my package, tag a new version e.g. 0.0.9, push to our gitlab repo (with tags), then in the project where I added this dependency, right click the package and select "Update Package" - I get the following error: If I remove the package dependency from the project and add it again, Xcode always correctly grabs the latest version. I have tried removing this package and running File > Packages > Reset Package Caches - then adding the package again, but it still results in the same error. I have tried using https:// instead of git@ - and setup an access key for Xcode, but I still run into the same error. I have found many other similar issues that people have run into, but most are ssh key or other permission issues, or seem to be resolved by a package cache reset. If anyone has run into this or has any other suggestions, I would really appreciate the help!
Oct ’22