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9 Replies
Thanks for your reply Quinn!Yes, I was able to isolate the issue to a small app. Upon more troubleshooting, it appears that in iOS13.2 and on, some Core Bluetooth behavior changed. The presence of CBCentralManager CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey launches the app before the user unlocks their phone with a passcode for the first time after a reboot. Because of this, all data (keychain, UserDefaults, etc) is unavailable.I have filed FB7447530 with the sample app, and a lot more info. Not sure if it's a bug or expected behavior, but I think bug because launching the app before first unlock can cause a lot of issues if the data that the app depends on is not available. And we've never seen this behavior where the app launches before first unlock in any of the previous iOS versions we have been using (all the way from iOS10). Also, iBeacons does not wake up the app before first unlock, and seem to properly wait until user unlocks the phone for the first time.Thanks again!
Post not yet marked as solved
9 Replies
Quinn,Would this possibly be bug that would also appear on iOS?I am experiencing something extremely similar in iOS 13.2.2 (not sure when it started but I believe 13.2). Our app relies on keychain items to load, and after a phone reboot, the keychain items are gone with an OS status of -25300. It affects both Generic Passwords and Certificates & Keys. It is not reproducible consistently. Usually we're able to reproduce it after putting our app in the background, taking bursts of hundreds of photos, then rebooting the phone, then re-loading the app through the search page.